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That was excellent. Thanks for hanging in the stream and to the IRL Anna too :)

Great game so far, hard? Yes! Learnable, very much yes! Great gameplay, very very fun to play despite the accuracy, or maybe because of it? You saw me laughing so genuine compliment.

Looks great, feels great and wicked sound and music.
Cannot wait for full release and me trying to finish it... *sigh*

Keep up the great work Chris and Co.

Thanks mate! It was a cool experience today with you and your community. I'm pleased that the game was well received in its current form (demo 0.1.4). Keep working motivated. :-)

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I also want to add. The chat we had about difficulty, timers, etc etc. I personally say stick to your vision and dont change a thing, maybe tweak but don't change.

Yeah sure some people will not enjoy it and thats OK. Dumbing down a vision is not a thing that should be entertained IMO just to satisfy that small section of people that dislike the gameplay.

Your game is 110% learnable even when doing it talking to people and streaming! If it was easier, or if there is an easier option like taking out the timer or making it longer it loses something vital in my opinion.

All of this is just my view of course :)

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Thanks for saying that again. 

I struggled a bit over the last 2,5 years while coding but to see how you were able to improve you skill in the first level over half an hour was eye opening that everything is on a good way. Some fine-tuning after finish all worlds will be follow anyway. 😃☕


This was really fun!  It was frustrating AF for all the right reasons.  The challenge is brutal at times, but the controls and collision detection are on point.


Hey abraxas, thank you really much for testing the demo. Good to hear, that you liked it. :-)


This is fun! I love precision platformers.

But a lives system?

Please give me infinite lives! And shorter respawn times! Let me die over and over again until I get the precision platforming right!

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Thanks Jordi, cool that you like it. Since the demo update from two days ago, the respawn has a short animation and time of 2 seconds (until then it was instant restart - if you like watch an older video on YouTube) because of the feedback from people with epilepsy and other conditions with sensitivity to light because this would a breaker.

But you know what, it's a development process and I'm not finally sure about a (let's name it) "speedrun" mode without lives but with a counter of "deads" and a timer from 0 to >.

Really appreciate your feedback and download. :-)



So glad to see this coming along nicely. Keep me posted when the physical version is ready for preorder.

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Deleted 63 days ago